Thai Blind Massage
The Best Blind Massage in Thailand
Appointment +662-2761411 , +662-2753104

Thai Blind Massage, Thai massage for the blind training, Computer for Blind Training,
Astrology training Braille, Training Music and Agricultural for The Blind,
Blind Coffee Training, Homework - kitchen work Training, Practice the skill of using a white cane for your own journey training.
Music for The Blind
Musix Math for the Blind
Blind people and the elderly can play the piano as a song by studying within 2 hours.
Braille Training
Braille Training.
For young blind who need to knowing about.
MASSAGE(in & off site )
There is a massage service. both inside and outside the place.
fortune telling by cards
Promotion! Special Price call 02-761411 , 02-2753104
Β 260 for 1.5 hrs
Inside for 1 course
Air Condition Massage Room
Β 220 for 1.5 hrs
Inside for 1 course
Fan Massage Room
B 1,000 For 1/2 day
Outside (9-12 or 13-16)
1 blind person (Exclude Travel Expense)
Want to donate to help the visually impaired? You can access our account, but if you need tax deduction documents, email :

Bangkok Bank : 176-484295-9
Saving Hua Kwang Branch

Kasikorn Bank Saving 034-3-78505-4
Central Plaza Grand Rama IV Branch

TTB Saving 001-2-89215-4
Phaholyothin Branch

Krungthai Bank Saving : 330-0-31518-8
Hua Kwang Branch

Thai Caulfield Blind

Massage Reservation
For In and Out Side Massage Reservation
Tel.0-2276-1411, 0-2275-3104 Fax.0-2275-1964
8:30 AM TO 17:00 PM
Closed only on public holidays
8:30 AM TO 17:00 PM
Closed only on public holidays
Things To Do
The blind need help initially so that life can go on well without relying on anyone.
Blind Coffee
Blind can be baretta coffee
Blind people have the ability Make coffee for us to have drink.
Blind Elderly building
We would like to receive donations for building a building for blind elderly and make it a professional training facility for visually impaired
Agricultural for the Blind